Monday, June 2, 2008


So the real world started today...
I took the NJ transit into the city for the first day of my internship. I spent 6 hours in a cubicle in from of the computer learning the Disaster Volunteer curriculum and the Leading and Managing Spontaneous Unaffiliated Community Volunteer curriculum.  It looks like my primary project will be dealing with Con Edison which should be interesting and I will have to have a Spanish translator to talk to people in one of the council members office. How cool is that!!  I will be traveling with the executive director to various meetings and will have to learn the subway system.  If anyone has heard the David and Megan take the subway story you know that this is a scary thought.  I get to travel to Brooklyn on Wednesday for a meeting at the Office of Emergency Management at the Immigration Center.  We will see what the week brings!!! Stay tuned for updates.

1 comment:

Rachel Ann said...

I'm so excited for you! That sounds like a really cool opportunity.