Tuesday, May 20, 2008

With the roar of the saw!

Today was another productive day. We returned to the house that we worked at yesterday where we continued to work on the floor. The homeowner Carmelite Sievers (no not from growing pains) stopped by to check on our progress. Her face lit up when she saw that the wood flooring was almost complete. After lunch and a little nap in the middle of the new laid floor, I moved over to a house on Guerra St. Owned by the Williams, we worked on repairing the termite damage. With some spots still live we were able to get the studs around one window replaced in under 2 hours. It was pure A team work. We will return tomorrow to finish up the job for the electricians to then move in and do there job. I dont know what we will do when that job is complete.

It is very helpful to have some professionals as team mates and since I moved teams I am no longer the only female. Which is a nice little treat for me. The Americorp members at the first house were females and we definitely bonded a little bit ...they were my age but they arent people that we hang out with when we are back at camp. Anyways, Eric the master, gave me the job on the chop saw at our house. So you know that I was in heaven. I think I finally have my own little system that I can follow and be efficient. It made me feel like a master today. There is a high quality of respect among team members which makes the experience awesome.

We had oysters made by John Wilkes Booth last night and they were incredible. Some kind of garlic butter sauce was placed on top of them after they were grilled for a short period. They were amazing. The bar-b-Q really allowed us to all bond. We have another bonding experience at Tony's an authentic mexican restaurant tonight. The amount of work and planning tha has gone into this trip is incredible. With all the connections we have gotten into restaurants and bonded with locals. We are having a huge Louisiana barbq tomorrow night. There are handful of locals invited to come and share their stories. It is just so awesome to hear about and to know that while it may be frustrating at times it is so rewarding.

Well I thought I didnt have that much to say and now I have typed a lot. There is definitely going to be a lot of different processing going on from this trip. I need to make a concerted effort to make more pictures. Everyone else has taken a ton but I feel like i have exhausted my camera the last two times.

Hope everyone is doing well!!


Anonymous said...

WOW! It seems like your trip is going amazingly well. I'm so happy for you. The oysters and garlic sauce sounds S.o.O GOOD:) Be safe and have a lot of fun. I hope I will see you soon.
Keshia F.

Jim said...

Hi...I came across your blog after searching for Carmelite Sievers. It turns out, I worked on her house two weeks before you did -- we sanded, put on texture, and painted the walls. In case you didn't notice it, her house was shown in the short video that CNN showed during the Hero of the Year award show.

I met John Wilkes Booth while we were there as well, although we didn't get him to cook for us...maybe next time. I'll be heading back to NO again in May this year to return to St Bernard Project. Thanks for blogging.